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What is Troubleshooting: Definition, 5 Types & How It Works

What is troubleshooting


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In the digital world, users often encounter issues when accessing reports and data, whether related to income, expenses, or other operations. Therefore, an auditor needs to conduct an analysis.

The analysis and examination of problems is what is referred to as troubleshooting. A device will be less reliable if, when a problem is encountered, the user does not carry out the repair process. This process is essential and influential in any computing system.

This procedure is carried out to identify issues when an operating system is not functioning properly. This process requires precision and fundamental knowledge in performing repairs.

In this article, the author will explain troubleshooting. Starting from the definition, the five types, functions, and stages. Please listen to the following explanation.

The definition of troubleshooting.

In general, troubleshooting is the process of finding solutions, a systematic process of identifying, diagnosing, and resolving problems. 

This process can be applied in various fields, including information technology, electronics, manufacturing, and even everyday life.

The main purpose of troubleshooting is to find the root cause of the problem and apply the right solution so that the problem can be resolved effectively and efficiently.

Good problem scanning skills can help a person solve problems independently, save time and costs, and boost self-confidence.

Specifically, troubleshooting is a systematic process for identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems or malfunctions that occur in a system, device, or process.

This process involves various steps starting from observing symptoms, isolating the cause of the problem, to implementing solutions to address the issues.

In a technical context, troubleshooting can be applied to hardware, software, networks, or other systems, with the aim of ensuring that all components are functioning properly and restoring the system to normal conditions.

This approach is very important for maintaining operational efficiency and preventing larger disruptions.


5 Types of Troubleshooting

Problem scanning is divided into several types according to the type of device. Here is an explanation of the five types.

1. Troubleshooting Hardware (Hardware)

troubleshooting hardware
(From: IDwebhost)

Troubleshooting hardware is carried out when there are physical problems with devices, such as computers, smartphones, or networking equipment.

For example, if the computer does not turn on, troubleshooting involves checking the power source, cables, or internal components such as RAM or hard drive.

The main goal is to ensure that all hardware components are functioning properly.

2. Troubleshooting SoftwareThis software)

an audit software
(From: Coderus)

This type of troubleshooting is related to issues with software, including applications, operating systems, or programs. These problems can include bugs, crashes, or slow performance.

Troubleshooting steps may involve software updates, application reinstallation, or checking system compatibility.

Another example is addressing issues in programs that frequently crash or cannot be opened.

3. Network TroubleshootingNetwork)

(From: PC Site)

Network troubleshooting focuses on issues that occur with network connections, such as slow internet, no connection, or devices that cannot connect to the network.

This involves checking the router, modem, IP settings, and other network devices. Troubleshooting may include connectivity tests, restarting network devices, or changing network settings.

4. System TroubleshootingSystem)

(From: ECPI University)

Troubleshooting systems encompass broader issues that involve the entire system, both hardware and software.

An example is an issue with the server that involves system failures or performance problems. This could involve log analysis, checking system load, or deeper problem diagnosis.

5. Application Troubleshooting

(From: Sensor Tower)

This type is specific to certain applications that do not function well. For example, when a mobile or desktop application freezes or crashes, this process involves checking for updates, application permissions, or specific settings of the application.

Each type in this process has different approaches and tools depending on the issues at hand.

It is important to have a good understanding of the system being troubleshot in order to effectively resolve issues.

Troubleshooting Function

Through this understanding, troubleshooting serves to analyze and anticipate what could be the root cause of a problem found in a device. Here are its functions.

Problem Identification

Troubleshooting helps to detect and understand the root cause of a problem that occurs, whether in hardware, software, or networks.

Restoring System Performance

By identifying and fixing issues, this process serves to restore the performance of the system or device to its normal state, ensuring that everything operates as it should.

Preventing Further Disruptions

Through the process of scanning this issue, problems can be addressed before they develop into larger or more damaging disruptions, thus preventing downtime or more severe system failures.

Improving Operational Efficiency

By ensuring that all components are functioning well, it helps maintain operational efficiency, reduce downtime, and maximize productivity.

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By detecting problems earlier and fixing them quickly, this can reduce the need for major repairs that may take more time and cost more.

Providing a Better Understanding of the System

Through this process, users or technicians can gain deeper insights into how the system works, which can be beneficial for future maintenance or to prevent similar issues from occurring again.

Troubleshooting Procedures

Troubleshooting is a systematic and structured process for identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems. Here are the general stages.

1. Problem Identification

The first step is to recognize and understand the problems that are occurring. This involves observing abnormal symptoms or behaviors of a system or device. User information or error reports are very useful at this stage. The goal is to clearly identify what is not functioning as expected.

2. Gather Informations

After the problem is identified, the next step is to gather relevant information. This may include system logs, error messages, system configurations, or a history of changes made before the issue arose. This information helps narrow down the possible causes of the problem.

3. Isolation of the Cause

At this stage, various possible causes are analyzed to identify the source of the problem. This can involve testing each component or part of the system one by one to determine which ones are functioning normally and which ones are failing. The elimination process is used to isolate problems to specific areas.

4. Formulating Hypotheses

Based on the information that has been gathered and the analysis of the causes, a hypothesis or assumption about the main cause of the problem is formulated. This hypothesis must be logical and based on the data that has been obtained.

5. Hypothesis Testing

Next, the hypothesis is tested by trying out the proposed solution. For example, if the problem is suspected to be caused by faulty software, the software can be reinstalled or updated. If that solution works, then the hypothesis is proven correct.

6. Implementation of Solutions

If the hypothesis test is successful, the proposed solution will be implemented permanently. This may involve hardware repairs, configuration adjustments, or software updates. At this stage, the system or device should be retested to ensure that the issue has truly been resolved.


Thus is the explanation regarding troubleshooting, starting from the general and specific definitions, types of troubleshooting, to its functions and stages.

Troubleshooting is a very important process that requires finding the root cause of a problem in a process within a device's operating system.

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