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Agile Development: Prinsip & 7 Tujuannya bagi Software

Agile development


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In an audit software, there are several types of methods that serve to facilitate the development process. These methods organize the framework. an audit software became few components according with user needs

One of the methods for development an audit software which has its own procedures is agile development or fast-developing method.

According to its name, agile development is a method which are used with fast and smart way.

This makes agile development a fast and adaptable method in any situation because it is carried out in a short timeframe.

This method involves quick and agile planning and application, while still being structured.

Its application in such a way makes the agile development method for an audit software that enhances governance and strengthens oversight of new risks that arise in accordance with the dynamic situation.

In this article, the author will explain how the agile development method works in the development process. an audit software. Starts from its definition in general and specifically, up to its principles and 7 for an audit software.

Agile Development Definition

agile development adalah
From: Dicoding

Agile development is a software development methodology that focuses on collaboration, user involvement, and continuous delivery.

This methodology emphasizes short development cycles (called sprint) that allows the team to adapt to changes and improve the quality of the final product.

On the context that an audit software in development, agile development is defined as an approach that focuses on a fast and comprehensive application development cycle across all its components.

This approach allows developers to adapt to changes and enhance the effectiveness of applications and an audit software according to customer needs

Agile development uses technology to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the application. The technologies employed may include audit software, collaboration tools, and data analysis.

Agile development is the right approach for organizations that want to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their applications, enhance quality, and increase user satisfaction, both in user interface, its structure, or even user experience.

Principals of Agile Development Method

In the agile development method, there are several principles that must be met to facilitate the development process by developers.

The principle is in line with its name, where all stages are carried out through a quick process. Here are the steps in this method.

Prioritize Client Satisfaction

In the context of agile development in software development, it means that the development team focuses on delivering maximum value to clients through rapid iterations, continuous feedback, and product adjustments according to needs.

By involving clients in every stage of development, the team can ensure that the final product meets the expectations and evolving needs, making client satisfaction a top priority.

Menerima Segala Bentuk Perubahan

Pada agile development pada an audit software It means that the development team is ready and flexible in facing changes in project needs or goals, even in the final stages of development.

The agile development method encourages rapid iteration, continuous feedback, and dynamic adjustments, allowing developers to continuously improve the product to remain relevant and meet the ever-changing needs of users.

With this attitude, the agile team is able to deliver value more quickly and effectively in accordance with changes in the market or client demands.

Fast Making Software

Agile development emphasizes the creation of software in short time cycles, usually referred to as sprint, estimated 1-4 weeks duration

This approach allows the team to develop, test, and release features iteratively, ensuring flexibility in responding to changes in user or market needs.

With this short cycle, development can be more adaptive and can enhance the quality of the final product because each iteration focuses on continuous improvement and enhancement.

Inter Division Teamwork

Under agile development, teamwork interdepartmental collaboration is crucial for the success of the project. Each division, such as development, testing, and product management, must work closely and continuously together.

Open communication and quick feedback allow the team to adapt to changing needs or emerging issues.

With synergy between divisions, the development process becomes more efficient, iterative, and adaptive to changes, resulting in high-quality products in a shorter time.

Human Resource Maximalization

Referring to efforts to optimize the capabilities, collaboration, and productivity of the team in the software development process.

The agile development method emphasizes the importance of a dynamic and flexible team environment, where each team member is empowered to contribute to the fullest according to their expertise.

Through rapid iteration, continuous feedback, and clear roles, Agile Development helps maximize human resource potential, ensuring that every team member adapts to changes and focuses on a shared goal to produce high-quality products in a shorter time frame.

Evaluation and Inspection

Evaluation and monitoring are important aspects of agile development to ensure that the project is on track and meets user needs.

In agile, evaluations are conducted regularly through sprint reviews and retrospectives, which the team will evaluate every of their progress and performance.

Monitoring is carried out continuously using tools such as burndown charts and task boards to track the progress of tasks and identify potential obstacles.

This approach allows the team to make quick adjustments, maintain flexibility, and iteratively improve product quality.

7 Purpose of Agile Development for Software This software

tujuan agile development
From: IDwebhost

There are 7 purpose of agile development on every development an audit software with this method. Here are those seven purpose.

High Value & Working App System

The goal of agile development is to deliver high value and also a well-functioning application system. This way, both users and administrators can access it effectively without much hassle. bug.

Iteractive & Revolutionary

Agile development is a software development method that is carried out in incremental and iterative stages, allowing for changes to be made during the process if necessary.

In other words, this method is flexible and suitable for use in short-term IT projects.

Cost Control & Value Driven Development

The software development process can be adapted to meet user needs. In addition, the development team can also control the costs and time required for software development according to those needs.

High Quality Production

Even with minimal costs, the quality of software products will still be guaranteed. Thus, an application that is effective and meets its primary needs and functions will continue to operate well.

Flexible & Risk Management

Scheduling meetings with clients can be arranged at any time, allowing flexible goals to be achieved. This ensures that the software being developed continues to function properly.

In addition, this approach also helps reduce programming errors before the application is finally developed.


Team collaboration among developers is very important in discussing feedback from clients. Therefore, effective coordination and communication with all team members is necessary.

Self Organizing

The main goal of the agile development method is to give developers the freedom to manage the software development process independently.

The role of a manager is to act as an intermediary between the developer and the client, thereby minimizing the potential for miscommunication.


Thus is the explanation of the agile development method in the development process. an audit software . It is important to remember that this method is a quick and comprehensive type, so the development process an audit software carried out thoroughly and quickly.

It can be said that this method is generally quick and targeted due to the limited time allocated for this method, which is not as extensive as other application development methods.

This process is useful for the development of audit applications that are scanning like in digital types. In a digital audit, Audithink is audit software that relies on a system that is fast and accurate.

Audithink provides convenience for its users through features that allow them to choose the type of method they want, such as the comprehensive and rapid agile development method.

Contact us to schedule an app demo or for more information.

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