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PIC is: Definition, Duties, Salary, Required Skills

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Have you ever heard the term PIC or Person In Charge? Of course, for those of you who are already in the workforce, you are no longer unfamiliar with this term.

Person In Charge or PIC is someone who is responsible for the course of an activity or event certain.

In fact, this term is quite important in the world of work because it has a crucial role in a team to carry out activities and activities. event certain.

Therefore, for those of you who want to enter the world of work, you should find out what it Person In Charge so that there is no misunderstanding and understanding.

However, you don't need to worry because this article will provide a complete discussion of what a PIC is, their duties, salary, and the skills required.

Let's see the discussion below until it's finished!

The definition of PIC

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Ilustrasi PIC (

PIC stands for Person In Charge which means someone who is responsible for carrying out an activity or event in a company.

Usually, a manager or division head will appoint members to be responsible for the course of certain activities who are considered capable and competent in their duties.

The tasks carried out also vary, depending on the needs of the team from an agency. In fact, he will also be given short to long term responsibilities.

With these various tasks, a PIC must make reports during the project and submit them to the manager.

Then, the PIC must also coordinate with other managers or division heads while carrying out their duties.

For example, the team marketing is running three event and each must be handled by one person, so the head of the division marketing will appoint two of its members to be in charge.

Well, later Person In Charge will be fully responsible during the running of the event to completion and provide a report.

That is, a PIC is someone who is given the trust and responsibility to carry out certain projects or activities of the company.

PIC Duties

As mentioned above, if the task Person In Charge varies because it depends on event what they do and what their needs are.

This task must be carried out properly in accordance with the initial plan so that the activity can run smoothly.

Even Person In Charge must provide progress reports on the activities being carried out to the team's division head to ensure that everything is on track.

If there are obstacles or problems, the PIC must be responsible for providing solutions by coordinating with the division head or others.

In addition, the duties of the PIC are as follows:

1. Monitor and ensure the project is running smoothly

2. Provide reports to division heads

3. Make a plan that is suitable for the project being carried out

4. Provide solutions when problems occur

5. Evaluate the sustainability of the project

6. Perform analysis to calculate and complete the project

Salary of Person In Charge

How? Do you understand what a company PIC is? In essence, Person In Charge is someone who is given the responsibility to run a certain activity or project.

But what about the salary? Actually, the salary Person In Charge will not change before being selected to be in charge of the project.

However, if your performance is good, then you are likely to get other benefits, such as commissions, bonuses, or so on.

However, in Indonesia there are several companies that directly open vacancies Person In Charge to handle the project.

The average PIC salary is around 3-4 million or depending on the UMR in each region and of course varies.

Required Skills for Person In Charge

Given that the tasks carried out by a PIC are quite numerous and heavy, you must have several skills to support the tasks performed.

Well, some skills The PIC is as follows:

1. Communication

Skills for a PIC is good communication because they have to convey various information clearly and easily understood to other people and division heads.

This is because the PIC must carry out continuous communication with colleagues or external parties to support the ongoing project.

With good communication, the tasks and responsibilities can be done well and maximized.

2. Interpersonal

In addition to communication, a PIC must also have a good relationship with everyone who works on the project.

Therefore, interpersonal skills are one of the skills that PICs must have. This is because it makes it easier for PICs to interact with other people.

3. Problem solving

Every task carried out by any profession, there will definitely be problems that arise. No exception is a PIC who will definitely face various problems during the company's project.

Therefore, the skills required by the PIC are problem solving to be able to handle problems well and provide appropriate solutions.

4. Decision Making

You need to know, if the success of the project must be balanced with good and appropriate decision making.

That's why a PIC must have skills or the ability to determine and make decisions logically and carefully so as not to harm others or the company.

Therefore, a PIC must be able to think clearly in whatever conditions are happening during the activity.

5. Project Management

Furthermore, a PIC must also have skills or the ability to manage and project management well.

Starting from planning, organizing, supervising, to controlling resources. It is intended that the project can run smoothly according to the initial plan.

6. Leadership

Skills also needs to be possessed by a PIC is leadership which must be able to lead and inspire team members.

In addition, a leader must also be able to make the right decisions and provide clear directions so that the project runs smoothly.

Leadership is a must-have skill because a PIC will be the leader and responsible for the running of the company's project.

This is a complete discussion on what a PIC is along with their duties, salary, to skills that is needed.

In essence, a PIC is someone who is appointed by the head of the team division and is responsible for controlling the course of a company activity or project in accordance with the original plan.

This means that the PIC is tasked with supervising and controlling the course of the project and providing progress reports within a certain time to the division head.

Not only does a PIC have to report to his superiors, but the company is also obliged to submit its operational reports to several stakeholder, one of them is the investor.

This is because company reports serve to provide confidence to external parties that the company's finances and operations are good and run in accordance with certain regulations.

Therefore, it is necessary to audit internal company that aims to obtain information to make a report whether it is in accordance with certain provisions or not.

However, you don't need to conduct your own internal audit because there is already an audit application from Audithik. Application Audithink's Comprehensive Features can help the internal audit process more quickly and accurately.

If you want to use the app, then immediately contact us and consult your company's needs for free.

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