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Understanding IT Infrastructure and Its 7 Tasks

IT Infrastructure


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In managing data in a digital business, you need tools that are well-synchronized. This device has various types that are operated by experts in their respective fields. Both the experts and the equipment are IT Infrastructure

IT infrastructure It is very important to conduct all kinds of checks on data and to manage information technology in a business effectively. This ensures that everything operates smoothly. operated berdasarkan IoT atau Internet of Things.

Let's explore further the meaning, functions, roles, and responsibilities. IT infrastructure In digital business. Here’s the explanation.

Definition of IT Infrastructure 

Let's get to know this device series first. In general, IT infrastructure or information technology infrastructure refers to a set of hardware or hardware, software or an audit software, hingga jaringan. 

In addition, there are various facilities used to develop, test, deliver, monitor, control, and support information technology services. (TI). 

Therefore IT infrastructure is a collection of various devices that have a single main purpose of managing information technology within a computing system.

This infrastructure includes everything needed to support IT operations within an organization, including servers, data storage, networking devices, application software, and data centers.

Komponen utama dari IT infrastructure meliputi berbagai aspek sebagai berikut.

ITInfrastructure Matrix NDI resize
Komponen IT Infrastructure (Sumber: Matrix-NDI)

Perangkat keras (hardware): Meliputi server, komputer, penyimpanan data, router, switch, ataupun perangkat lain yang diperlukan untuk mendukung operasi TI.

Perangkat lunak (an audit software): Including operating systems, applications, or management software that assist in the management and monitoring of infrastructure.

Jaringan (network): Involving all the necessary components to ensure secure and efficient data communication between hardware and software.

Data center: A physical location where hardware and software are placed and managed. Here, the data is collected and then processed in such a way as to meet the user's needs.

Fasilitas fisik: Space and environment that support IT infrastructure, including cooling systems and power supply.

Peran dan Fungsi IT Infrastructure

Peran serta fungsi utama IT infrastructure It is very important in maintaining the smooth operation of a business. Here are some key functions of IT infrastructure:

1. Menyediakan Platform untuk Operasi Bisnis

IT infrastructure providing the foundation needed to run various business applications, from email systems to customer relationship management (CRM) systems to enterprise resource planning (ERP).

2. Support Communication and Collaboration

IT infrastructure enables efficient communication and collaboration among employees through internal networks, email, collaboration applications, and other communication platforms.

3. Improving Operational Efficiency

By using the right hardware or software, IT infrastructure helps organizations automate business processes, reduce human errors, and improve operational efficiency.

4. Ensuring Data Security

IT infrastructure includes various tools and technologies used to protect company data from security threats, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, data encryption, and data backups.

5. Providing Scalability Capacity

Well-designed infrastructure allows organizations to increase or decrease capacity according to business needs, such as adding servers or upgrading data storage.

7 Tasks IT Infrastructure

The duty of a professional. IT infrastructure involves various activities that ensure all components of IT infrastructure function well and efficiently. Here are the seven main tasks of this device network in digital business.

1. Network Management

Managing internal and external networks, ensuring stable and secure connections, and monitoring network traffic to identify and resolve issues.

2. Hardware Maintenance

Ensuring that all hardware is functioning properly, performing routine maintenance, and replacing damaged or worn components.

3. Software Management

Installing, configuring, and updating the software used in the organization, as well as ensuring compatibility between various applications and operating systems.

4. IT Security

Implementing and maintaining security measures to protect data and systems from external and internal threats, including the configuration of firewalls, antivirus, and intrusion detection systems.

5. Data Backup and Recovery

Establishing a regular data backup procedure and ensuring that data can be quickly restored in the event of data loss or disaster.

6. Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring IT infrastructure performance continuously, analyzing monitoring data to identify potential issues, and creating performance reports for management.

7. Capacity Management

Analyzing business needs and planning the necessary infrastructure capacity to support business growth, including planning for the procurement of new hardware and software.

The salary of a... IT Infrastructure

The salary of a professional. IT infrastructure It can vary depending on various factors such as experience, location, and company size. 

In Indonesia, the average salary for this position ranges from IDR 8,000,000 to IDR 20,000,000 per month. For professionals with more experience and specific specializations, salaries can exceed IDR 30,000,000 per month.

The factors that influence a person's salary. IT infrastructure among others as follows.

1. Work experience

Professionals with more than five years of work experience typically earn higher salaries compared to those who are just starting their careers.

2. Location

Salaries in major cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, and Bandung tend to be higher compared to other regions.

3. Qualifications and Certifications

Having special certifications such as Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE), or Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) can enhance a professional's value in the job market.

4. Industry

Some industries, such as finance and technology, tend to offer higher salaries for professionals. IT infrastructure.


So the explanation of this article is related IT infrastructureYou have come to understand all its forms, starting from its general and specific definitions, and then its roles. IT infrastructure in digital business and its functions, including roles and salaries.

IT infrastructure is the backbone of information technology operations within an organization. With its crucial role in providing a platform for business operations, supporting communication, enhancing operational efficiency, ensuring data security, and offering scalable capacity. 

Thus, IT infrastructure becomes a very crucial element. The duty of a professional. IT infrastructure very diverse, ranging from network management, hardware and software maintenance, to IT security and capacity management. 

Expertise in this field is highly valued and in demand across various industries, with competitive salaries depending on experience, qualifications, and job location.

With the continuous development of technology, the role IT infrastructure will become increasingly important and complex. This demands professionals in this field to continuously enhance their skills and knowledge. 

Building and managing efficient, secure, and reliable IT infrastructure is key to supporting business growth and success in this digital era.

Audithink is audit software reliable with comprehensive and advanced features that facilitate auditors in conducting various types of audits. Kunjungi website Audithink for scheduling a demo and more information.

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